Senior Care News

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Common Causes for Epilepsy in Seniors

As your loved one navigates an epilepsy diagnosis, their 24-hour home care team can help them with their daily living activities to ensure they're safe.
24-Hour Home Care Huntington Beach CA - Common Causes for Epilepsy in Seniors

Epilepsy is a brain disorder that causes a person to have unprovoked seizures. A person usually gets diagnosed with it after having two unprovoked seizures within a short period. Seizures occur when an excessive sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain, causes a person to lose control over their actions. That surge disrupts how messages are sent to the brain and can cause the brain to seize. The seizure may have motor symptoms (such as jerking, twitching, or spasming) or non-motor symptoms such as a staring spell. 24-hour home care providers can be there to monitor these symptoms and provide valuable support.

Epilepsy Onset is Common in Seniors

Epilepsy can begin at any age, and most commonly either begins in childhood or after the age of 65. Seniors over 65 have the highest rate of epilepsy and account for almost 25% of new-onset cases.

Common Causes for Epilepsy in Seniors

Because of their age, seniors experience certain health risks more than the younger population, resulting in a higher risk of epilepsy.

The following conditions could result in epilepsy developing.

  • Dementia
  • Brain tumors
  • Strokes
  • Brain injury (such as from a fall or accident)
  • Lifelong habits such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption

24-hour Home Care Can Help Your Senior Manage His Epilepsy

Once diagnosed, your loved one will most likely be prescribed anti-seizure medication but you may not be comfortable with him living on his own for a while. You may fear that a seizure could happen and he won’t have anyone to be there to help him through it or protect him from hurting himself. A 24-hour home care team rotates providers in the home with your loved one. They usually work 8- or 12-hour shifts so that someone is always awake, alert, and ready to help in the home.

As your loved one navigates this new diagnosis, his 24-hour home care team can help him with the following daily living activities to ensure he’s safe.

Transportation. Until it’s determined that the seizures are under control, your loved one will not be able to operate a motor vehicle. Your 24-hour home care team can help make sure he’s able to get to and from where he needs to go safely by providing rides or helping him set up travel services.

Bathing. Fear of a seizure while in the shower or bath may make your loved one anxious about taking either of these. Having a 24-hour home care provider nearby to step in in case of a seizure will allow your loved one to bathe safely.

24-Hour Home Care Huntington Beach CA - Common Causes for Epilepsy in Seniors
24-Hour Home Care Huntington Beach CA – Common Causes for Epilepsy in Seniors

Falling. For the elderly, a huge fear of seizures is falling. With weakened bones or other health conditions, a fall could have serious consequences for your loved one. Having a 24-hour home care provider nearby to help him gently to the ground as he’s seizing and protecting his head can ensure that a seizure doesn’t cause any further harm to your loved one.

Stairs. Stairs can be another concern for those with epilepsy. If your loved one has a lot of stairs he needs to climb to move to different floors in his home or to get up to his apartment, having someone by his side to monitor his progress can be calming.

With the support of a 24-hour home care team, your loved one can feel comfortable living at home again.

If you or an aging loved one are considering 24-Hour Home Care Services in Huntington Beach CA, please call the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

Canaan Home Care – A Premier Provider of Senior Home Care in the La Jolla, Del Mar, San Diego, Rancho Santa Fe, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Tustin, and Manhattan Beach areas.

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