FAQs About Scleroderma Awareness Month

Home Care Services in Dana Point CA: Most people have not heard of the chronic illness known as scleroderma, but there are plenty of people who want to change that. June is Scleroderma Awareness Month and it’s an excellent time to learn more about this rare but serious disease.

Signs of a Heat-Related Emergency

Senior Care in Dana Point CA: As a family caregiver, it is critical that you are able to recognize the signs of such a heat-related emergency so that you can get them the prompt and effective care that is necessary to help them through such a situation with minimized negative impact.

4 Things You Can Do to Help an Elderly Loved One with Asthma

Senior Care in Dana Point CA: Adult onset asthma, especially among the elderly, is more common than many people may think. Once your loved one has a diagnosis, her doctor will also give her a treatment plan. But there are other things that you can do around the house that can help to stave off asthma attacks and make breathing easier.

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