What Can a Caregiver Support Group Do for You?

Homecare in Newport Beach CA: Caregiver Support Groups

Homecare in Newport Beach CA: Sometimes being a caregiver can make you feel alone. Because of the time caregivers spend with the older adult they are caring for, they have little time to spend with friends and family.

The Ins and Outs of Hearing Loss in Your Elderly Dad

Homecare in Newport Beach CA: In the U.S., about 37.5 million men and women suffer from hearing loss. By the age of 70, about half of all men and women experience hearing loss that affects their daily life.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis?

Homecare in Newport Beach CA: Approximately 7.5 million people throughout the United States are currently living with some form of psoriasis, you should know that they are at greater risk of developing a condition known as psoriatic arthritis.  Knowing the potential signs and symptoms of this disease can help you to make the care decisions that are right for them.

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